Baby Fisher

Baby Fisher
Our little blessing

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

4 weeks, and 4 days later: Going in labor

I am writing you a bit late. I wish I had the energy and time to write you sooner, but as you will find out years from now, parenting is a bit exhausting at first. But, it's the most beautiful, most unexplainable love you'll ever know! I suppose we can talk about labor...

But, before that, this is what you look like as I write this blog through my phone. You're laying on my belly. We're pretty much inseperable!

Labor started on the 22nd of June. I went to my 41 week appointment, and measured at 3 cm, 80% effaced. I felt great, minor back pain, but definitely thought you weren't coming till that weekend. This was a Wednesday. The NP stripped my membranes for the third time at 3 that afternoon, and said she would be surprised if I didn't go into labor that night. Well, what do you know? I started contracting as soon as I left the hospital. In fact, it got worse by the minute. I had your auntie Erica bring me dinner bc I could not move or breathe! Here's a sample of my contraction log between the worst of them : 1 am - 5 am:

Your dad had to work that next morning, so I let him rest...till I couldn't take it anymore. We actually went once at 1 in the morning, and they sent us home bc I didnt look like I was dying. The nurses even said I wasn't in labor...but I knew I was! I woke dad up at 5 in the morning after suffering through the contractions from 1-5. We got checked in and I was 7 cm!!! Your mom is a warrior! I was praying to be at least 4 just to be admitted bc I couldn't take the pain anymore. Little did I know how much of a plumper you were :)

Every nurse we had seen said that you were a small baby, and that you wouldn't be any bigger than 6 lbs. Well, I gained about 50, so I was hoping that wasn't true hahaha!

That's mom and dad looking crazy at the hospital ( obviously in bw contractions!)

YouTube Video

That's a message for you right before getting admitted...

I got admitted at around 0530 am. I tried every natural technique there was from the ball, exercising, the tub for a few hours, walking, and I just got so exhausted from no sleep for 48+ around 10 am, I received the wondrous epidural. I was 8 cm, and 90 % at this time. This was the case till about 4 pm, when I was 9 cm and 100%. I had a foley cath for the first time. My nurse was awesome, and at 530 after added pitocin, and reducing my epidural, we were 10 cm and ready. The docs came at 6, and I pushed for 3 hours...with constant reduction of epidural to the point where i felt everything. I have no idea what happened those three hours besides your grandma on my left, your dad on my right, a nurse looking at my hoo ha, and you killing my back!!!

Such a happy face :)

And at 2102...with three big pushes...and after being stuck crowning for three hours...the love of my life blessed the world with his wonders. I didn't cry, nor did your dad. We were so happy, I just couldn't believe you were here. Shoot, to be honest, my motivation was food! I was so hungry, of course your grandma was teasing me with food waiting the whole time! I also had a high temp, and ended up getting antibiotics. Luckily, you didn't. They think it's because my water had been broken for a while. Dad was the first person to put a diaper on you, and he put it on backwards! So funny! He cut your umbilical cord. He called your Nonnie first, then your grandpa.

3150 grams
7 pounds, 12 ounces
19.5 inches
Dark brown hair
Blue eyes
100% beautiful! Absolutely the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in 26 years.

After 30+ hours of labor, I wasn't tired anymore. I was so alive, and your presence filled me with energy. Your cry was music to my ears, and your eyes looking at me gave me a reason to live.

You have the best dad in the world, who went to almost every appointment, and loved you before he even knew about you. You're so blessed, and we're lucky to have you in our lives. We love you!

using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Home, in bed

Monday, May 2, 2011

33 weeks

Hello our little love bug!
You are currently 33 weeks gestational age. Your head is definitely in position for delivery, and we hope you stay in there for at least 5 more weeks (let mom finish school!). Right now, I am taking Biochemistry, Microbiology, Spanish, and Speech. So fun! Within the last few weeks, dad has come home from his almost month-long trip to Yakima Training Center. We have had your 3D/4D ultrasound done twice, and my are you handsome =) Dad thinks you look like me, so does your grandma. I think you have your grandma liza's nose...your dad thinks you have mine. Oh well, you're screwed anyways because we both have big noses hahaha!

We've also decided that we both agree on your name to be Elijah. Both of your grandmothers love it, in fact, they suggested them before we even told them we wanted to name you that. As for your second name, your dad is adamant on naming you Elijah Derek...he will deny that it is from Derek Jeter, but it is pretty much his second love of his life, outside of me. You will soon replace both of those titles!

We're also starting the production of your baby room this week, with a NYY theme. If you don't know it, you're pretty much being born and bred into a fan. Your grandfather from your dad's side gave your dad $100 to order the MLB network (which costs $200) this week so that you can both watch it together. We can't wait to take you to a game! Half of your baby clothes are NYY affiliated so far. You poor thing, I hope you never tell your dad you hate the Yankees because he will cry.

The highlights in the news this week are 1) Prince William and Kate Middleton got married. 2) Osama Bin Laden is confirmed dead 3) 250+ tornadoes swept the Midwest of the U.S., killing over 300 people so far at this time. Osama's death marks a period of great jubilation for your father and I as it is of great symbolism to our serving the nation. I am not sure how I will feel if you decide that you want to join the military some day, but I obviously can not oppose to it at this time. Your dad and I joined at some of the worst times in America, and have witnessed many things we did not want to see. I hope that by the time you are able to read this, the world has become a better place.

In other rambling news, Sunny, our cat, was able to play outside in the back yard with a new leash dad got her. She is a trip to watch, and I hope that she can live long enough for you to play with. She is one sassy cat! I keep telling your dad how much I wish they invented steroids so she can live longer. Yah, I'm nuts. =)

Ok baby, till next time. We love you, and hope you hibernate as long as possible! Your dad wants you to be born on my birthday so he only has to remember one. Oh geez!

Oh yah, your cousin, Luke Edward Peckham, is due two weeks before you are. How awesome is that? We will all have to meet as soon as we all can.

Friday, March 11, 2011


There was a huge earthquake on May 10, 2011 in Japan. It was their biggest earthquake recorded, 8.9 magnitude.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Ultrasound results

We had your 24 week appointment check yesterday. All went well. Your heart rate was 140 bpm.

While the doctor was reading the results from the ultrasound, I noticed something that said 'minor abnormality' on the ultrasound. Luckily, your dad has access to same system where they get results. He said that there was a small white spot on your heart that is noted as an EIF, Echogenic intracardiac focus. EIF Apparently, it can show up in 30% of babies with Asian descent, and well, you definitely are. I called my doctor as soon as your dad told me, but I am going to assume that they don't see it as a risk yet. It can go away by the third trimester, so hopefully they have another ultrasound for us.

It made us wonder for a few minutes on the risks of you have a chromosomal abnormality. In the end, you're a blessing, and we will not worry about it until we are told to do so.

We love you, and I'll keep you updated.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Update; Still a boy!

We had another ultrasound at 23 weeks and 5 days this past Friday. The purpose of the ultrasound was to check your spine, heart, and bones, as you were too young to get an accurate report at 16 weeks. Boy, you are a squiggly little thing! You moved around so much during the ultrasound, but I can tell you that it makes mom and dad happy to see you move around. You were kicking the ultrasound tech every time she put that probe over your =) I was only able to see your ball sack, your dad saw the rest of the goods, so you know he is a pretty happy camper!

I think Auntie Erica is planning to throw your baby shower party the end of April. My back is starting to hurt a little, and I am getting fat toes and fingers in the morning. I am still at school, and plan on ending this quarter this Saturday.

News in the world and family: Your grandpa Ric is still in the Navy, and stationed in Bahrain at this time. The last few weeks in Bahrain have been hit with protests against the government. He works 5 minutes from the center of the protest. At this time, he claims he is hiding in his bunker, hoping to not get any worse! Your grandparents in New York are battling their own fight with the snow (4 feet snow banks right now!). Grandma Sue had a little scare with colon cancer a few weeks ago, but she has been told it is nothing to worry about. Grandma Elizabeth is just experiencing pain in her ear, and carpel tunnel. Grandpa Edwin is having knee pain from his Airborne jumping back in his Infantry Army days.

The world in the Middle East has been fighting against their leaders the last few weeks (Tunisia, Libya, Iraq, Bahrain...), and it doesn't look like it's going to end any time soon. Somali pirates have been capturing Americans, and just lately Greeks in the middle of the sea.

I have an appointment to check your growth and hear your heart beat today =)

Till next time, we love you and can't wait to meet you.

Friday, February 18, 2011


Today was the first day your father was able to feel you move around! He placed his left palm on my right side first thing this morning, and you gave him a "Good Morning, Dad" kick. I've been waiting for this moment, and you were such a soccer player. You kicked him twice =)

We love you!

Oh, no names yet.

Monday, February 7, 2011

21 + 1 weeks

Hello baby!

We found out you had some twig and berries growing on January 7th! Your grandma, auntie Kriza, Jonae, and dad were there. Dad was so nervous, he couldn't even step into the room until I was ready on the bed. The ultrasound tech took about 100 photos of you, ranging from your different profile shots, to the anatomy of your body to make sure you were growing healthy. She gave us about 7 of them to take home, and we instantly took photos of them to upload onto facebook, as well as sending them to everyone. At this point, the only people that knew were my side of the family, and your grandma and grandpa on your dad's side.

The tech waited until the very end to show us your private parts. Let me tell you, there was no mistaking you! You were one happy little boy, hahaha! I knew right away as soon as I saw you. Your dad didn't, and kept looking for something sticking out. You should have seen your dad...grandma grabbed dad's face and told him you were a boy. He started to tear up, and I started to tear up, too. We didn't cry so much, but we knew we loved you already. I wanted a boy first because I wanted to raise you up as that big brother who will protect his parents, and younger siblings. Plus, your father is an only kid, so it's a dream come true.

Since then, you have been spoiled with clothing from Grandma Sue. She has gone shopping for you, and sent you the most stylish outfits. They are currently hanging in your closet, and I look at them often to remind myself how blessed we are to have you growing into our life. In about 2 weeks, we are going to have another ultrasound to check your growth, bones, and another due date check. We thought you were due June 24th, but after measuring your head, it has been changed to June 19th. There has been a running joke as to me having to partake in a C-section due to the family history of head sizes....I hope not!!! At this point, we don't have very many names picked out for you. I think we are going to come up with a few, and wait until we see you. Your dad and I like Elijah and Micah so far. We will see if it changes!

Other than that, I have been in school working on my nursing degree as an RN, and your dad has been working like a hog as the P.A. for the 2-17th FA, 2nd Brigade, 2nd ID at Ft. Lewis. We're both pretty busy, but we take the time to appreciate you in our lives =)

Until next time,

We love you

Thursday, January 6, 2011

15 weeks, 6 days, Day 111

Dear baby,

This is the beginning of the story of your life. I've been debating on starting this as soon as I found out I was pregnant, but we all know the risk of miscarriage is outstanding. In fact, we've already had one before at 6 weeks, so we were as careful as possible with you. As I write you, you have moved, punched, or kicked me 4 times (twice in the abdomen, and twice below the belly button). You are one active little munchkin already!
I think you like mangoes and pancakes =)

Tomorrow is the day we go for our first ultrasound. The first one is at 8 am, and it will be a simple ultrasound to find out who big you are, and how far along I am. The second one is at 1130 am, and it will be an anatomy one. Hopefully we find out how big you are, and what you possibly could be! Boy or girl? Either way, mom and dad will be very happy. (Your dad wants a boy soooooooooooooo bad!)

Next story will be about how we found out about you.

I love you, and I will see and hear you tomorrow!